Advocacy Opportunities  
Tues - Brain Injury Awareness Day
Tues - Kidney Day at the Capitol
Tues - Medicaid Expansion Rally
Wed - Day of Action and Remembrance - In Honor of Stephanie Mott

Upcoming Hearing Highlights
Mon -SB162Requiring notification to the governor and legislature of missing foster care youth.
Mon - HB2396Allowing use of certified drug abuse treatment programs for certain offenders convicted of unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances.
Mon - HB2395Amending the Kansas school equity and enhancement act, and making appropriations to the department of education.
Wed - HB3003Creating the limited driver's license and identification card for certain individuals.
Thur - HB2211 Allowing judges to waive or reduce driver's license reinstatement fees.
Thur - HCR5004Proposition to amend section 1 of the Kansas bill of rights regarding equal rights for all human life.